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Uji Ketrampilan Diploma Seni Rupa FSRD UNS
Sebagai salah satu syarat menjadi mahasiswa Seni Rupa adalah memiliki kemampuan menggambar. Karena menggambar adalah modal dasar dari calon mahasiswa agar dapat mengikuti perkuliahan di
Kriya Tekstil UNS proudly present: Malam puncak BATIK FOR FASHION COMPETITION EKSOTIKA LINGKUNGANKU Sabtu, 20 Mei 2017 SOLO GRAND MALL, LANTAI 2 09.00 – Till
![Our office 1](
Page builder post layout
For more interesting, story-telling-like experience for your site visitors, you can build your post content even with a page builder.
![Our office](
Sounds from Earth
Space is full of radio waves, and those waves, just like the ones bouncing through the Earth’s atmosphere, can be converted into audible sounds.
![Wavy wood](
There’s video in this post
You can see outdented video example in this post. You can actually outdent any content: text, images, galleries, audio, video, shortcodes.