The Faculty of Fine Arts and Design (FSRD)
The vision, mission and goals of the UNS Faculty of Fine Arts and Design are determined based on very realistic considerations by taking into account the university’s vision and mission. FSRD UNS has a very strong desire to become a superior faculty locally and nationally as well as in a global context, with the mission of implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which contributes to regional and national development, and has an impact on increasing global competitiveness. Apart from that, the vision and mission that have been chosen and established are also an orientation for the future in a better direction. In order to realize the noble ideals contained in the vision, mission and objectives of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Sebelas Maret University (UNS), every form of planning at both the Faculty and Study Program levels is always carried out. prepared based on the vision, mission and objectives of FSRD UNS.
"To become a center for the development of superior fine arts, crafts and design at the international level based on national culture"

- Organizing education to develop reasoning abilities and creativity in fine arts, crafts and design.
- Carrying out cross-disciplinary research that leads to new discoveries of fine arts, crafts and designs based on cultural wisdom values.
- Carrying out community service to create an independent society.
- Establish cooperation at national and international levels

In order to realize the Vision, Mission, Goals, and Basic Values, the entire academic community agreed to inflame the joint spirit of UNS BISA “UNS ACTIVE Work Culture, Internationalization, Synergy, Acceleration towards World Class University”.
Since UNS established in 1976 until now has experienced various dynamics of development and has made various efforts to become one of the leading universities. Various programs, policies and activities have been carried out on an ongoing basis to face the challenges of global change that continues to move fast, dynamically, interdependently and complexly. Currently, UNS has become one of the most respected public universities in Indonesia and is increasingly strengthening its steps towards World Class University (WCU). This has been proven by various proud achievements both at the national and international levels.
Various steps taken in order to increase the capacity of UNS as an autonomous, accountable, and highly competitive university have been carried out in line with obtaining recognition as a Government Agency that implements the Financial Management of Public Service Agency (PK-BLU) based on the Decree of the Minister of Finance Number 52/KMK .05/2009 dated 27 February 2009.
In 2020, the government has provided flexibility for UNS, both when it comes to opening new Study Programs (Prodi), as well as in financial and asset management. It was showed by the stipulation of Sebelas Maret University as a Legal Entity State University (PTN BH). Based on Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 56 of 2020 concerning Legal Entity State Universities. October 6, 2020.
One of the real steps taken in order to realize a good corporate university is the implementation of the “UNS ACTIVE” work culture, namely:
- Achievement orientation, The ability to work well and strive to exceed the established achievement standards, result oriented and continuously make efforts to achieve excellence.
- Customer satisfaction, The ability to help or serve others or meet the needs of service users, both internally and externally
- Team work, The ability to work with other people, both in large teams and small teams within the scope of the institution
- Integrity, the compatibility of word and actions, the ability to describe intentions, ideas and feelings and translate completely into actions based on sincerity, loyalty, a high sense of responsibility and commitment to the progress of the organization in line with the vision and mission of UNS
- Visionary, The ability to set new goals when the set targets have been achieved and also long-term oriented, including the ability to adapt to changes in the environment and easily accept changes in the institution
- Entrepreneurship, The ability to process existing resources into products and services that have added value and seek benefits/advantages from opportunities that have not been developed by others.